

From: 5 5 <redmine@r...>
Date: Mon, 26 Oct 2009 09:16:25 +0900
Subject: [ruby-reference-manual:1788] [Bug #2268] module NKF のタイポ

Bug #2268: module NKF のタイポ

起票者: 5 5
ステータス: Open, 優先度: Low
カテゴリ: doc
reporter: 5.5, ruby_version: 1.8, 1.9

module NKF の「オプション文字列」の「Ruby 1.8.2 以降」のタイポ(2種,3箇所)

 I        Convert non ISO-2022-JP charactor to GETA
charactor → character

 --no-cp932        Don't convert Shift_JIS FAxx-FCxx to equivalnet CP932
 --cp932inv        convert Shift_JIS EDxx-EFxx to equivalnet CP932 
equivalnet → equivalent


ML: ruby-reference-manual@m...
使い方: http://QuickML.com/


->    1788 2009-10-26 01:16 [redmine@r...        ] [Bug #2268] module NKF のタイポ         
      1907 2009-12-08 17:17 ┗[redmine@r...        ] [Bug #2268](Closed) module NKF のタイポ